Created to look and taste great, this will get you growing your own in style. So pull on your designer wellies and prepare to enjoy the fruits (and veggies) of your labours.
World-renowned for its healing qualities.
Loves lots of sun, regular water and rich soil.
Bay trees love hot, sunny spots and well drained soil.
Produces clusters of delicious blue fruits in late summer.
An indoor winner which tolerates low light, not much water.
Loves a hot, dry position and low humidity.
Produces sweet, small fruit all year round.
Prized for its thick, lemon flavoured stems.
Richly scented lemon fragrance.
Loves lots of sun and can live for over 100 years. Great for pots.
This herb has purple flowers and spade-shaped, olive-green leaves.
Grows easily from seed or seedlings and tolerates mild neglect.
Loves lots of water, rich soil and a well lit spot.
A great hedge or pot plant that loves lots of sun.
Loves lots of water and space, plant in a pot to contain it.
Loves soil high in organic matter and plenty of sunlight.
Loves full sun, well drained soil, drought tolerant once established.
Looks as great in your garden and on your plate.
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