Transform your balcony into a sensory utopia with this look full of earthy smells and tastes. Featuring medicinal herbs and plants, it will nurture your body and soul.
World-renowned for its healing qualities.
Loves lots of sun, regular water and rich soil.
Bay trees love hot, sunny spots and well drained soil.
A small shrub with robust stems known for its shiny pungent fruits.
An easygoing long-flowering plant known for its medicinal properties.
A hardy perennial herb with yellow flowers and feathery leaves.
Loves a hot, dry position and low humidity.
Produces sweet, small fruit all year round.
Prized for its thick, lemon flavoured stems.
Richly scented lemon fragrance.
This herb has purple flowers and spade-shaped, olive-green leaves.
Grows easily from seed or seedlings and tolerates mild neglect.
A great hedge or pot plant that loves lots of sun.
Loves lots of water and space, plant in a pot to contain it.
Loves full sun, well drained soil, drought tolerant once established.
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