There is nothing weird about this kind of creeper with its ability to climb along trellis for beautiful indoor displays.

Swiss cheese plant – named because of the swiss cheese-like holes in it’s deep green leaves – is a creeping indoor vine. It’s ability to climb along a trellis makes it perfect for some indoor plant styling.

According to the 2021 Plant Trend Report, using plant-based decor will take your at-home entertaining (plant-ertaining) to the next level. With a new-found love of homely leisures and pleasures, the Swiss cheese plant is the perfect little cutie to perfect your plant-ertainer game.


Native to tropical forests of southern Mexico, Central and Southern American rainforests, they are used to dappled light as they would climb trees or other supporting structures. So re-create their natural environment with indirect sunlight and a regular watering schedule. They also love humidity, so why not let it grow near the humidity of your kitchen and trail into your entertaining area? 

Image credit: Zinah Insignia @ Unsplash


This extremely easy-care plant grows impressively fast – even indoors – and loves to climb. Get it as a juvenile plant and provide it with a stake or trellis (even a pipe or windowsill – just anything for it to brace its aerial roots against) to climb along for a lush display. 

To get plant-ertaining with the Swiss cheese plant, follow these easy care guidelines:

  • Grow in a well draining pot, like terracotta.
  • It only tolerates full sun for a few hours in the morning. Ensure shade and/or indirect sunlight.
  • Keep it moist but not sopping wet. Have a misting spray bottle filled with water nearby to spray and say hey when you pass by. 
  • Fertilize once a month, at half strength (or double diluted…)
  • Prune if it gets out of control or becomes too big for your space by cutting off the top growth (and any dead leaves) close to the stem. 
  • Treat common pests and diseases with neem-oil or other non-toxic solutions. 


Whilst you’ll love this plant like a pet, it doesn’t love your pets – it can be toxic to dogs and cats when consumed.

Not to be confused with Monstera deliciosa, which is also commonly referred to as Swiss cheese plant. Monstera deliciosa has edible fruit and very large foliage, and is also fantastic for indoor growing to up your Plant-ertainer game! Just be sure to get a much bigger pot for the deliciosa variety.  


Monstera adansonii, Swiss cheese plant, Adanson’s monstera, or five holes plant.

Ready to add Swiss cheese plant to your home jungle? Head to your local garden or nursery centre and have a chat with the experts.


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